Tag Archives: Suwannee River

Rescheduled: Alapaha to the Suwannee River Paddle 2024-08-17

Update 2024-08-12: Cancelled: Alapaha to the Suwannee River Paddle 2024-08-17.

Due to Tropical Storm Debbie, pushed back a week to August 17, 2024.

Paddle 12.3 miles on two rivers.

Our takeout is very close to the Alapaha River Confluence, so most of the day we will enjoy this last section of the Alapaha River. The river has been fluctuating from too low to too high so we are hoping to hit it just right for paddling. There could be some deadfall but this outing is appropriate for anyone.

We will paddle under the ever-busy I-75, but passing that we will reenter quiet wilderness. Everyone must wear a PFD.

We will also paddle up into the Alapaha Rise, off of the Suwannee River, where the Alapaha reemerges after traveling miles underground.

When: Gather 9 AM, launch 10 AM, end 3 PM, Saturday, August 17, 2024

Put In: US Hwy 41 Alapaha River Landing. South side of the road, under the power line, between Jennings and Jasper, FL, in Hamilton County.

GPS: 30.528956, -83.039627

[Alapaha River to Suwannee River 2024-08-17, US 41 to Gibson Park, Up to Alapaha River Rise]
Alapaha River to Suwannee River 2024-08-17, US 41 to Gibson Park, Up to Alapaha River Rise

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Alapaha to the Suwannee River Paddle 2024-08-10

Update 2024-08-12: Cancelled: Alapaha to the Suwannee River Paddle 2024-08-17.

Update 2024-08-04: Rescheduled: Alapaha to the Suwannee River Paddle 2024-08-17.

Paddle 12.3 miles on two rivers.

Our takeout is very close to the Alapaha River Confluence, so most of the day we will enjoy this last section of the Alapaha River. The river has been fluctuating from too low to too high so we are hoping to hit it just right for paddling. There could be some deadfall but this outing is appropriate for anyone.

We will paddle under the ever-busy I-75, but passing that we will reenter quiet wilderness. Everyone must wear a PFD.

We will also paddle up into the Alapaha Rise, off of the Suwannee River, where the Alapaha reemerges after traveling miles underground.

When: Gather 9 AM, launch 10 AM, end 3 PM, Saturday, August 10, 2024

Put In: US Hwy 41 Alapaha River Landing. South side of the road, under the power line, between Jennings and Jasper, FL, in Hamilton County.

GPS: 30.528956, -83.039627

[Alapaha River to Suwannee River 2024-08-10, US 41 to Gibson Park, Up to Alapaha River Rise]
Alapaha River to Suwannee River 2024-08-10, US 41 to Gibson Park, Up to Alapaha River Rise

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Help keep paddle access to Georgia rivers 2024-07-22

Update 2024-08-09: Georgia House Navigable Streams Study Committee 2024-08-15.

The Georgia legislature is trying to define which creeks and rivers are navigable. They are using an antique law to do so.

You can help keep Georgia rivers and creeks navigable by logging your river trips here:

The goal of this mapping project is to document the upstream extent of recreational descents on as many Georgia rivers as possible. Paddlers documenting their descents through this survey could help protect access to streams for generations to come. We encourage paddlers to submit their earliest and farthest upstream descent on as many rivers as possible.

[Help keep paddle access to Georgia rivers, Contact your statehouse members, Record your paddle outings]
Help keep paddle access to Georgia rivers, Contact your statehouse members, Record your paddle outings

Maybe you’d also like to explain to the Georgia statehouse that the 1863 definition of navigable is outdated: “is capable of transporting boats loaded with freight in the regular course of trade either for the whole or a part of the year.”

Nowadays we fish, paddle, and motor in forms of recreational commerce that were not common in 1863.

Here is one way to contact your Georgia state legislators:
https://action.outdooralliance.org/a/protect-the-publics-right-to-paddle-in-georgia_7_24 Continue reading

Downstream dozen Florida counties task force reactivated after raw sewage spills across Georgia state line –WUFT 2024-07-23

Update 2024-08-02: Three more Ashburn sewage spills reported more than a week late 2024-07-20.

Update 2024-07-26: Clean Withlacoochee, Alapaha, Santa Fe Rivers 2024-07-25.

Thanks to the reporter for doing this story, especially for including the material about the stigma of sewage spills, which affects even Suwannee Basin rivers that are not even downstream from Valdosta, and about the economic damage of such stigma.

Please note that while Valdosta is the biggest sewage spill problem, because it is the most populous city in the Suwannee River Basin, it is far from the only city that spills sewage, and not all E. coli contamination comes from sewage; see other sources.

As noted in the story, Valdosta is spending millions of dollars to fix its sewage problems. Nobody will be happier when there are no more sewage spills than Valdosta staff and elected officials, many of whom are new since most of the notorious sewage spills happened. But that day is still some time in the future.

[Downstream dozen Florida counties task force reactivated after raw sewage spills across Georgia state line --WUFT 2024-07-23]
Downstream dozen Florida counties task force reactivated after raw sewage spills across Georgia state line –WUFT 2024-07-23

I’ve noted a few errata below, plus I’ve added some links and some more images.

Rylan DiGiacomo-Rapp, WUFT, July 23, 2024, North Central Florida river task force reactivated following raw sewage spills across Georgia state lines, Continue reading

Cancelled: Allen Ramp to SRSP, Withlacoochee River 2024-08-01

Update 2024-07-30: Cancelled due to too strong flow for the upstream Suwannee Paddle to Suwannee River State Park Ramp.

Come along for this fun 8.44 mile paddle on the Withlacoochee River from Allen Ramp to Suwannee River State Park. There will be beautiful springs to enjoy and several sets of shoals to paddle through, possibly requiring some basic skills. Everyone must wear a PFD at all times on the river and have a bow line for your boat. There will also be an upstream paddle of 1/4 mile from the confluence of the rivers to the ramp at SRSP.

When: Gather 9 AM, launch 10:30 AM, end 3 PM, Thursday, August 1, 2024

Put In: Allen Ramp, 2726 SW 64th Way Jasper, FL 32052, in Hamilton County, Florida.
From Jasper, travel north on US 41 to SR 6; turn left; travel south on SW CR 141 to SW CR 143; turn right and follow SW CR 143 to SW 64 Way and follow to ramp.

GPS: 30.449167, -83.221328

[Allen Ramp to SRSP, Withlacoochee River 2024-08-01, Double Window Spring, Melvin Shoals]
Allen Ramp to SRSP, Withlacoochee River 2024-08-01, Double Window Spring, Melvin Shoals

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Applicant slides and sound recording, 2,109-acre PUD, Chiefland, FL 2024-06-24

Update 2024-08-12: Packet: Return of the proposed 2,109-acre rezoning for Planned Unit Development in floodplain –City of Chiefland, FL 2024-08-12.

Here is audio of the applicant’s answers to citizen questions in the June 24, 2024 Chiefland City Commission meeting, as well as the applicant’s slides.

[Applicant slides, sound recordings 2024-06-24, Proposed 2,109-acre PUD, Chiefland, FL, Manatee Springshed]
Applicant slides, sound recordings 2024-06-24, Proposed 2,109-acre PUD, Chiefland, FL, Manatee Springshed

If somebody wants to transcribe these audio files, that would be most helpful.

Here is part 1 of audio from the June 24, Chiefland City Commission meeting:

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Turner Bridge to Cone Bridge Paddle, Suwannee River, 2024-05-18

Join us for a 11.4 mile paddle on the Suwannee River from Turner Bridge to Cone Bridge.

Both ramps are down dirt roads that are usually well maintained. This paddle is appropriate for all levels. Everyone must wear a PFD while on the river. We’ll probably stop along Prospect Church at Hunter Creek for a lunch break.

When: Gather 8:30 AM, launch 9:45 AM, end 3 PM, Saturday, May 18, 2024

Put In: Turner Bridge Ramp, From White Springs, travel north on SE CR 135; cross over SE CR 6 onto NE 180 Boulevard (Woodpecker Route); travel north to NE 38 Trail; turn right and follow road to ramp, in Hamilton County, Florida.

GPS: 30.524333, -82.728167

[Turner Bridge Ramp to, Cone Bridge Road Ramp, Suwannee River, 11.4 miles, 2024-05-18]
Turner Bridge Ramp to, Cone Bridge Road Ramp, Suwannee River, 11.4 miles, 2024-05-18
Note the antique lally columns, which are pillars for a former bridge, made of steel columns filled with concrete. Continue reading

Clean Alapaha, Withlacoochee, Santa Fe Rivers except a hot spot near the Suwannee River 2024-07-11

Update 2024-07-19: 2024-07-19: Twelve months of Ashburn sewage spills 2024-07-08.

The Alapaha, Withlacoochee, and Santa Fe Rivers tested clean, except the Santa Fe at Wanamake (Butler) Ramp, a tenth of a mile up from the Suwannee River.

No sewage spills were reported in the past week in the Suwannee River Basin in Florida, but in Georgia, Ashburn had yet another spill.

Saturday is supposed to be sunny, and Sunday it might rain late in the day.

So pick a river at a level you like, and happy fishing, swimming, and boating this weekend.

Or join us Saturday morning for Sasser Landing Alapaha River Cleanup, 2024-07-13.

[Clean Alapaha, Withlacoochee, Santa Fe Rivers 2024-07-11, except a hot spot near the Suwannee]
Clean Alapaha, Withlacoochee, Santa Fe Rivers 2024-07-11, except a hot spot near the Suwannee

The Withlacoochee is in Action Stage at North Valdosta Road (US 41) and upstream, and soon will be at Pinetta. The Santa Fe River is still at rock bottom in several places. Continue reading

Suwannee River Basin in a map of 1776

Update 2024-12-31: St. Juan River in Map of East and West Florida, 1763.

Welcome to the “Great Swamp of Owaquaphenoga whose Highland is inhabited by an Old Apalachean Tribe who keep the Avenue Secret”.

[Rio San Juan, or Siguane 1776, Map of the Southern British Colonies in America]
Rio San Juan, or Seguane 1776, Map of the Southern British Colonies in America

Maybe we can conserve the Okefenokee Swamp so it will be known to all in another 250 years.

The coasts on that old map are not bad, although the scale is off towards Cape St. Blas. I like “Broken Coast,” a name which seems to have fallen out of favor. That’s southeast from the Rio San Juan, or Seguane, which is the Suwannee River.

There is no mention of the Santa Fe, Withlacoochee, or Alapaha Rivers.

Of course, the GA-FL line wasn’t necessarily where it is now until the not-really-complete survey of 1799. The Orr-Whitner line of 1859 was not accepted by FLorida until 1861, by Georgia in 1866, and the U.S. Congress in 1872.

Maybe they got the scale way wrong and the High Land is Floyds Island, Billys Island, etc. in the middle of the Okefenokee Swamp.

Or if they got the scale right, Continue reading

Big Shoals Portage and Paddle 2024-07-05

Portage around Big Shoals, the biggest rapids in Florida, and paddle through Little Shoals on the Suwannee River.

Join us on this beautiful section of the Suwannee River. This paddle is appropriate for anyone who is in reasonable physical condition, agile enough to launch from a rocky edge (see photo above), and can portage your kayak 1/4 mile. The river is low and there are shoals to paddle around and possible low spots to drag through. There will be plenty of time to enjoy the magnificent views.

We will launch from Big Shoals State Park, paddle downstream 1 mile to the start of the portage trail around Big Shoals. Pack light as you will need to portage everything for approximately 1/4 of a mile on a dirt trail. Then we get back in our boats and paddle on through Little Shoals.

When: Gather 8:30 AM, launch 9:30 AM, end 2 PM, Friday, July 5, 2024

Put In: Big Shoals Tract Launch, From White Springs, travel north on CR 135 to SE 94 Street (Godwin Bridge Road); turn right and follow road to Big Shoals, in Hamilton County, Florida.

GPS: 30.3529705, -82.6879375

[Portage Big Shoals, Paddle Little Shoals 2024-07-05, Suwannee River, to White Springs, FL]
Portage Big Shoals, Paddle Little Shoals 2024-07-05, Suwannee River, to White Springs, FL

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