Monthly Archives: January 2017

Videos: Suwannee Riverkeeper at Hahira Historical Society 2017-01-09

We all drink from straws into the same Floridan Aquifer, so we need to keep it clean and full, said WWALS acting Executive Director Gretchen Quarterman at the Hahira Historical Society, a very influential institution between the Little and Withlacoochee Rivers in Lowndes County, Georgia.

You can see in this video that she also explained we paddle upstream in the rainy season and downstream in summer, how WWALS added Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®, and what WWALS does and where, including Continue reading

Tallahassee: Hold Regulatory Agencies Accountable for Sabal Trail and FSC fracked gas pipelines 2017-01-23


Live Oak, FL, January 20, 2017 — You are invited to the Historic Florida State Capitol steps Tuesday January 23rd noon to 3:30 PM to hear principal guest speaker Karenna Gore and others Hold Regulatory Agencies Accountable. Metal dam John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®, will talk about how we all fought the invading Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline and its extension Florida Southeast Connection for the past three years. Deanna Mericle will talk about what her personal experiences of moving Sabal Trail off the Withlacoochee River in Florida and continuing the fight with WWALS Watershed Coalition through a legal case, WWALS vs. Sabal Trail & FDEP. Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson, Sierra Club Campaign Organizer, will present an extensive list of complaints and violations. The festivities will include #FLEXIT, the Florida Statewide Bank Exit, and delivery of a statement to Governor Scott.

When: 12 Noon- 3:30 pm, Monday, January 23, 2017

Where: Florida State Historic Capital Steps
400 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, Florida

Event: facebook

Below is Continue reading

Videos: NFRWSP Plan passed at joint SRWMD-SJRWMD Board Meeting 2017-01-17

Pretty full The playwright could have added a bit more suspense. After listening to almost two dozen public comments, many recommending tabling the North Florida Regional Water Supply Plan (NFRWSP) or a moratorium on new water withdrawal permits, the boards of the Suwannee River Water Management District and the St Johns River Water Management District each voted unanimously to approve.

Here are WWALS videos of each of the speakers, with a few notes, followed by video playlist of the whole thing. Continue reading

Suwannee Riverkeeper Vessel 2017-01-14

Heading downstream On the Suwannee River on a fine Saturday afternoon, advocating for our rivers and the Floridan Aquifer and against the Sabal “Sinkhole” Trail fracked methane pipeline. The Waterkeeper Alliance requires each member to have a vessel. Here’s the Suwannee RIVERKEEPER® vessel.

Thanks to Tom H. Johnson, Jr. for paddling and for taking the picture. Thanks to Bret and April Huntley of Paint and Body Concepts for putting the name on the sides. Thanks to Phil Hubbard for the paddles and other assistance. And thanks to Lynne Buchanan for riding along, photographing, and helping paddle.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Heading downstream

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Sabal Trail red pipe going into the ground in Hamilton County, FL 2017-01-14

Sabal Trail pipe going into the ground, 30.3841030, -83.1753430 The day of action against Sabal Trail at the Suwannee River saw hundreds turn out on land, water, and in the air and got a lot of press, but Sabal Trail continued to pound pipe into the ground in Hamilton County, Florida, going under Suwannee River State Park (SRSP) and the Suwannee River.

On the WWALS website are photographs by Beth Gammie for WWALS from a Southwings flight piloted by Roy Zimmer, navigated by Can Denizman, January 14, 2017. You may reuse these pictures provided you cite the source: Beth Gammie for WWALS Watershed Coalition.

For where they were taken, see the WWALS Google Map.

Lynn Buchanan posted a facebook video taken from the woods of Suwannee River State Park.

Panorama, Sabal Trail pipe going into ground, Hamilton County, 30.4113889, -83.1652778

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CR 141 Sabal Trail Troy Access, Hamilton County, FL 2017-01-14

Are those two sinkholes at Sabal Trail’s Troy Access off CR 141 in Hamilton County, Florida, on the way to to under the Suwannee River? Only three Hamilton County Sheriff’s deputies was light law enforcement by Saturday’s protest day standards. What about those other sinkholes just outside the pipeline easement?

NE to CR 141 Sabal Trail entrance with 3 Hamilton Co. Sheriff, 30.4164450, -83.1765850

NE to CR 141 Sabal Trail entrance with 3 Hamilton Co. Sheriff,

SE to CR 141 Sabal Trail Troy Access, 30.4171760, -83.1768130

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