Monthly Archives: April 2018

WWALS clean sweep at site of old Troupville, GA 2018-04-21


Hahira, GA, April 23, 2018 — Fifty children and adults helped WWALS clean up the site of old Troupville Saturday, with permission and thanks from the landowner where that former Lowndes County seat goes down to the Little River Confluence with the Withlacoochee River, just west of Valdosta.

Cleanup leader WWALS member Bobby McKenzie said:

We met at the signs for safety/execution briefing. I was able to talk about the signs and water trail to 50 folks and when I asked who knew about the Little and Withlacoochee Rivers and being able to kayak them, only 2 folks were aware. Now 50 more folks are aware…and half were kids…but some of the best kind of kids…Boy and Girl Scouts!

Scouts and all, Sign
Photo: Bobby McKenzie for WWALS 2018-04-21, at Troupville Boat Ramp, by the WWALS signs for the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail (WLRWT) that Phil Hubbard planted 2018-04-20.

Landowner Helen Tapp, whose family LLC gave permission for this cleanup, added:

What a fabulous turn-out of Earth Day workers! Thank you so much for Continue reading

Suwannee Riverkeeper on Steve Nichols drive-time radio 105.9FM WVGA 2018-04-24

Update 2018-04-24: video.

Tuesday morning at 8:30 AM I’ll be on the air with Steve Nichols talking about:

Plus the cleanup we just did at the site of old Troupville (thanks KLVB, VLPRA, and especially the landowners, including Helen Tapp), the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail (WLRWT), and maybe a few words about water quality monitoring.

Suwannee Riverkeeper on Steve Nichols radio 105.9FM WVGA, Stills

When: 8:30 AM Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Where: The Morning Drive with Steve Nichols, 105.9FM WVGA Continue reading

Water Quality Testing Training, Suwannee River 2018-04-21

Awful early after a late night at Wanee, we went down to the Suwannee River at the music park and did water quality testing training.

Sara, Ryne, Steve, Scotti, Suwannee River Sara Jay, Ryne Nimmo, Steve Miller, Scotti Jay; photo by John S. Quarterman for WWALS, 2018-04-21.

Thanks to Ryne Nimmo of the Continue reading

Pictures: WWALS at A Day in the Woods 2018-04-21

Here are Gretchen Quarterman and Dave Hetzel at Heather Brasell’s annual A Day in the Woods at the Gaskins Forest Education Center near Alapaha, Berrien County, Georgia.

Gretchen Quarterman, Volunteers

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Pictures, Troupville Cleanup 2018-04-21

Update 2018-04-23: More detail from cleanup leader Bobby McKenzie, a word from property owner Helen Tapp, about sponsors of the water trail, a press release, where WWALS was at three other events that same day, and how you can find upcoming WWALS outings and events.

Cleanup leader Bobby McKenzie reported from the Troupville cleanup this morning:

We had about 50 folks come out this morning. Thanks to the Boy Scouts Troop 429 and 454 as well as Girl Scout Troop 40267 for coming to help out. We also had a couple folks from Moody.

Scouts and all, Sign
At Troupville Boat Ramp, by the signs for the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail (WLRWT) that Phil Hubbard planted yesterday.

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Troupville Boat Ramp Signs 2018-04-20

WWALS Outings Committee Chair Phil Hubbard made these metal signs and planted them yesterday at Troupville Boat Ramp on the Little River. Meet at these signs for the cleanup this morning, led by WWALS member Bobby McKenzie.

Planted, Signs

Phil said he had some difficulty Continue reading

Wanee Wednesday 2018-04-18

WWALS at Wanee yesterday, and all day today, tomorrow, and Saturday. New location right by the campsite entrance and exit:

Gretchen in action, Day
Gretchen in action.

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Deadfall, Alapaha River, between Berrien Beach and Lakeland 2018-04-15

Update 2018-04-24: deadfall pinpointed, with latlong and map, and see trip report.

Sometimes it takes paddlers from Atlanta to alert us to a river obstruction, in this case Robert Marshall about the Alapaha River:

A group of seven of us mostly from Atlanta paddled from GA-135 south of Willacoochee, to US-129 east of Lakeland, this last weekend. Loved the river, and appreciate all your organization does to promote its preservation.

Deadfall, Picture

You probably already know this, but there is a huge tree totally blocking the river, about halfway between the GA-168 bridge and the US-129 bridge. Water level at Statenville was about 3.5 during our trip. The tree’s top surface was probably a foot and a half above water level, and it spanned from bank to bank. We portaged on the right side.

That’s between Continue reading

WWALS at Wanee with water quality testing 2018-04-18-21

Come join Suwannee Riverkeeper and 10,000 of our closest friends at Wanee near the Suwannee River in the spring. We’ll be holding water quality testing training Saturday morning, and there are all sorts of other opportunities for you to paddle with us and help advocate for the rivers and the aquifer. Plus a kayak raffle!

Kayak being raffled

When: April 18-April 21, 2018

Where: Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park
3076 95th Dr, Live Oak, Florida 32060

Event: facebook, meetup

What: Wanee, the music festival that started them all, and still one of the biggest, this year featuring Phil Lesh and The Terrapin Family Band, Widespread Panic, As the Crow Flies, Continue reading

Tickets now available for Wild & Scenic Film Festival in Valdosta

For rivers, oceans, and land, tickets are now available through Eventbrite to the Wild & Scenic Film Festival. You can buy them online and print them. WWALS board members also have physical tickets you can buy.

Date and Time: Thu, May 31, 2018
7:00 PM — 10:00 PM EDT

Location: Mathis Auditorium
2300 North Ashley Street, Valdosta, GA 31602

What: Celebrating fifty years of Wild and Scenic River designations by Congress, this film festival showcases frontline issues and activism with stunning cinematography. Now, more than ever, it is imperative that individuals propel the groundswell of the environmental movement. Collectively, we CAN make a difference!

Featured at the tour event in Valdosta, GA will be Continue reading