Tag Archives: Horizontal Directional Drilling

Charges dropped against Gilchrist County Sabal Trail protestors 2017-07-14

Eight months after she was arrested for holding a sign on a public road right of way, Cindy Noel learned today the charges have been dropped by the state for “INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE TO SUSTAIN A CONVICTION”:

Case Action Report: Nole Prosequi

I asked Cindy if she minded if I blog this. She answered: Continue reading

Sabal Trail sinkholes 2015 2017-05-05

Apparently that wet area I saw March 20, 2017 at Sabal Trail’s Suwannee River HDD access in Suwannee County was a “depression” they had just logged the previous day. Two more recent ones show up in Sabal Trail’s latest bi-weekly report, along with a couple of earlier ones they still haven’t even attempted to fix. Why should we expect these sinkholes will stop happening if Sabal Trail finishes and takes all their workers back to Houston, leaving us to deal with the damage?

Hay, berm, lights, workers 30.4061111, -83.1527778 I also wondered what they were up to a bit southeast of that drill site, beyond the dirt berm where I could only see their heads and hats. Apparently that was another sinkhole from January at the Suwannee River HDD in Suwannee County. Or maybe it was in Hamilton County in Suwannee River State Park; their description is so sloppy it’s hard to tell.

They also made a sinkhole a couple of thousand feet east of the Withlacoochee River in Hamilton County, and yet another sinkhole near the Santa Fe River HDD. The big winner is Continue reading

On the Suwannee River, Sabal Trail drill path 2017-02-12

Pipe apparently not connected at Suwannee County HDD (only two caterpillars there, and many odd markings on pipe), Pipe not connected? 30.4063022, -83.1529089 pipe apparently already buried at Hamilton County HDD, paddling on the Suwannee River in between, and a guard at Sabal Trail’s CR 141 access even after dark, Sunday February 12, 2017 to show a visiting videographer. For where these pictures were taken, see the Google map.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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Sabal Trail red pipe going into the ground in Hamilton County, FL 2017-01-14

Sabal Trail pipe going into the ground, 30.3841030, -83.1753430 The day of action against Sabal Trail at the Suwannee River saw hundreds turn out on land, water, and in the air and got a lot of press, but Sabal Trail continued to pound pipe into the ground in Hamilton County, Florida, going under Suwannee River State Park (SRSP) and the Suwannee River.

On the WWALS website are photographs by Beth Gammie for WWALS from a Southwings flight piloted by Roy Zimmer, navigated by Can Denizman, January 14, 2017. You may reuse these pictures provided you cite the source: Beth Gammie for WWALS Watershed Coalition.

For where they were taken, see the WWALS Google Map.

Lynn Buchanan posted a facebook video taken from the woods of Suwannee River State Park.

Panorama, Sabal Trail pipe going into ground, Hamilton County, 30.4113889, -83.1652778

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Revoke Sabal Trail Permits 2017-01-14

Water protectors encircle a sign saying “REVOKE SABAL TRAIL PERMITS” on 24th Street on Sabal Trail’s right of way leading to its Suwannee County horizontal directional drilling (HDD) site drilling under the Suwannee River and Suwannnee River State Park. So say we all.

24th Street at Sabal Trail RoW, 12:57 PM,

Photograph taken 12:57 PM, January 14, 2017 by Beth Gammie for WWALS from Southwings flight piloted by Roy Zimmer, navigated by Can Denizman. You may reuse this picture provided you cite the source: Beth Gammie for WWALS Watershed Coalition.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Suwannee Riverkeeper called water protectors to Live Oak –WCTV 2017-01-12

Gretchen Quarterman, WWALS Executive Director Reporting before last night’s meeting, Noelani Mathews, WCTV, 2017-01-12, Water protectors protest pipeline,

LIVE OAK, Fla. (WCTV) — More than a dozen environmentalist groups across the region met in Live Oak tonight to discuss efforts against the Sabal Trail Pipeline.

#No Sabal Trail in Tallahassee

The group Suwanee Riverkeepers is calling all water protectors to talk about their plans to protest the pipeline.

The underground natural gas pipeline is Continue reading

Solar power versus Sabal Trail –Suwannee Riverkeeper in VDT 2017-01-08

Op-ed, Valdosta Daily Times, today, January 8th 2017:

John S. Quarterman, Suwannee Riverkeeper Sabal Trail and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection assured us there would be no problems drilling a 36-inch natural gas pipeline through the fragile karst limestone under the Suwannee River in Florida, yet already Sabal Trail’s pilot hole under the Withlacoochee River in Georgia caused a frac-out of drilling mud into the river and a sinkhole.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers should halt construction and do a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.

When I happened to fly over the Withlacoochee River frac-out, I also saw Continue reading

Sabal Trail now drilling under Suwannee and 5 other rivers and creeks 2017-01-03

Sabal Trail is drilling pilot holes under the Tallapoosa River in Alabama and the Withlacoochee (south) River in Florida, according to its latest biweekly report filed today. HDD Construction (1 of 2) It’s already reaming a bigger hole under the Suwannee River in Florida and the Chattahoochee River at the Alabama-Georgia border, as well under Hillabee Creek and State Highway 22 in Alabama. Hillabee Creek seems to keep taking longer.

In Georgia, drilling is completed under Earth Dam, the Flint River, the Ochlockonee River, and the Withlacoochee River, and in Florida under the Santa Fe River, Shingle Creek, and Dyer Blvd.

Drilling has not started under Continue reading

Quitman, GA supplying water to Sabal Trail

Confirmed: Sabal Trail’s water for drilling under the Withlacoochee River in Georgia is coming from Quitman, Georgia. Specifically from a fire hydrant on Holloway Drive just east of Young Street.

Fire Hydrant

Sabal Trail previously told FERC Continue reading

Sinkhole, Sabal Trail HDD, Lowndes County, GA 2016-12-02

Sabal Trail caused a sinkhole at the HDD site in Lowndes County, in addition to Orange safety fence in front of drill site the frac-out under the Withlacoochee River previously discovered by WWALS, plus a bunch of other sinkholes or “depressions” they just reported today. They say they discovered the HDD site sinkhole the day after they told FERC there was no sinkhole at what appears to be exactly the location they now, four weeks later, say is a sinkhole.

FERC Accession Number: 20161202-5137, “Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC submits it Continue reading