Monthly Archives: October 2016

FSC Alignment Maps from May 2016

Small, big, huge, and PDF versions of each and every one of the 144 alignment maps FSC filed with FERC in May 2016 are available online courtesy of Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE).

[21040-510-ALS-00132 STA: 6250+00 TO 6300+00, MARTIN COUNTY, FLORIDA]
21040-510-ALS-00132 STA: 6250+00 TO 6300+00, MARTIN COUNTY, FLORIDA

The map shown here is where FSC crosses SW Martin Highway (FL 141) between Okeechobee City and Juno Beach, Florida. There will be a rally against this pipeline in Juno Beach at FPL HQ Friday and another in Okeechobee City Saturday.

Follow the link for details of what, and how you can help.

For maps of the rest of the Southeast Market Pipelines Project (SMPP), see SMPP.


You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Rush Hour Rally at FPL HQ to Stop Sabal Trail Pipeline 2016-10-14

Taking it to the source: the headquarters of FPL, whose ratepayers are on the hook for $3 billion for the Transco → Sabal Trail → FSC fracked methane pipeline boondoggle through Alabama, Georgia, and Florida, Sierra Club and Indian Riverkeeper are holding a Rush Hour Rally this Friday, October 14th 2016 in Juno Beach, Florida; see press release for details. If you can’t get there, there are other events all over Florida and beyond. Remember, FPL admits no need for new electricity until 2024, so there’s no more excuse for Sabal Trail.

At FPL HQ, Juno Beach, FL

The facebook page Protect Florida Against Sabal Trail attempts to keep track of upcoming rallies against Sabal Trail or its ugly stepsisters, which are popping up practically daily. Here are some events scheduled starting this weekend: Continue reading

WWALS at Suwannee River Roots Revival this week

WWALS Watershed Coalition, the Waterkeeper® Alliance Affiliate for the upper Suwannee River, will have a table at the Suwannee River Roots Revival at Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park, 13-16 October 2016. That’s starting 4PM tomorrow, Thursday October 13th.

This is the festival we wrote has roots going back to the 1950s in the Suwannee River Jamboree radio show.

If you’d like to help with the WWALS table, Continue reading

Naylor Boat Ramp bid twice; probably instead in-house by Lowndes County

All bids for the Naylor Boat Ramp were overbudget even though it went out for bids twice, so now Lowndes County is working with GA-DNR on doing most of the work in-house with county personnel, said Project Manager Chad McLeod at Monday morning’s Lowndes County Commission Work Session.

They have to finish it eventually, because it was in the SPLOST VII ballot referendum approved by the voters of Lowndes County.

WWALS has the Naylor Boat Ramp listed on the Alapaha River Water Trail and we’re already Continue reading

All 527 Sabal Trail alignment maps from April 2016

Courtesy of Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange, you can now see small, big, huge, and PDF versions of all 527 alignment maps Sabal Trail filed with FERC in April 2016: follow this link.


Having these maps online like this makes it easier to see what’s in them. Sabal Trail told FERC Okapilco Creek was not among the streams for which the Georgia legislature denied river-drilling easements (and for which Sabal Trail got the easements later anyway by suing the state in county Superior Courts). Yet Sabal Trail’s alignment maps from April 2016 seem to say that fracked methane pipeline crosses Okapilco Creek a couple of times in Brooks County, Georgia.

Here’s one of those times, in which the road names don’t match Continue reading

Valdosta wastewater and flood prevention public meeting by WWALS 2016-10-27

New WWTP, 30.8327808, -83.3283234 Update 2016-10-23: Seen from the air.

Update 2016-10-19: PDF flyer.

Come hear about the $60 million in wastewater fixes Valdosta just finished, what remains to be done, and what they’re doing about flood prevention for the entire Suwannee River Basin in Georgia and Florida. You can ask questions in this first of a new WWALS Quarterly Speaker Series, and the people organizing this work will be there to answer:

  • Henry Hicks, Utilities Director, about wastewater
  • Emily Davenport, Assistant Director of Engineering, about flooding, and
  • Tim Carroll, Valdosta City Council, about solar power for utilities.

When: 6PM Thursday October 27th

Where: Valdosta City Hall Annex
Multipurpose Room
300 N Lee St.
Valdosta, GA 31601 Continue reading

WWALS Quarterly Board Meeting, IHOP, Adel, GA 2016-10-12

Includes planning for Valdosta wastewater and flood prevention meeting, and final review of application to Waterkeeper Alliance for Suwannee Riverkeeper.

Draft Agenda
WWALS Quarterly Board Meeting
7:30 PM Wednesday 12 October 2016
IHOP, 1200 W 4th St, Adel, GA 31620

All WWALS Board Members are expected to attend in person or by telephone. Continue reading

Sabal Trail begins at Hillabee Power Plant

Where Sabal Trail connects to Transco: the head of the black snake, Sabal Trail, Hillabee Power Plant, Exelon Corp., Brick Plant Rd., 33.0045260, -85.9051100 at Hillabee Power Plant, owned by Exelon Corp., near Alexander City, Alabama. We were driving by, so we took some pictures. Here are Sabal Trail’s Alignment Maps for this area, the photographs I took yesterday, and a google map with links to the pictures, plus what you can do to stop this unnecessary, destructive, and hazardous fracked methane pipeline boondoggle.

Update 2016-10-10: All 527 of Sabal Trail’s April 2016 alignment maps are now available in small, big, huge, and PDF formats, courtesy of Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE).

What you can do

Continue reading

Sabal Trail preparing to drill under Withlacoochee River in Georgia 2016-10-05

Update 2016-10-23: Aerial photography and videos: US 84 HDD Withlacoochee River Sabal Trail 2016-10-22: what is that yellow thing in the river, and is that round thing you’ve marked a sinkhole?

Approved Access Road, CAUTION, No Trespassing, 30.7873010, -83.4457610 Where would you guess Southeast Directional Drilling is based? Nope: Arizona. And the TRW truck has a Texas license plate. So much for local jobs where Sabal Trail is preparing to drill under the Withlacoochee River in Lowndes and Brooks Counties, Georgia, between Valdosta and Quitman.

Here is a playlist of WWALS videos, followed by a google map, and still pictures: Continue reading

Truck surveying at Withlacoochee River Lowndes County side

Follow this link for videos, more pictures, and a google map.