Tag Archives: Adel

BIG Little River Paddle Race on Scott James Radio 8AM 2017-04-27

At least three people are seriously training for the Fifth Annual BIG Little River Paddle Race. Maybe it won’t be the usual winner this time! Plus there are prizes in a wide range of categories (solo, double, male, female, ages, etc.) this Saturday April 29th, at Reed Bingham State Park between Adel and Moultrie, GA.

I’ll be on the radio 8AM this Thursday April 27th talking about that and related matters, such as WWALS is now also Suwannee Riverkeeper, with Scott James on his Talk 92.1 drive-time radio show, out of Valdosta, Georgia.

When: 8AM, Thursday, April 27, 2017

Where: You can listen on the air, or through the radio show’s own website, or through several online listening services.

Register: Don’t forget to register for the paddle race, either online or at the event. Continue reading

Agenda, WWALS Quarterly Board Meeting 2017-04-12

Come on up to Adel Wednesday evening and see sausage being made! If you want to attend by telephone, contact us.

Draft Agenda
WWALS Quarterly Board Meeting
7:30 PM Thursday 12 April 2017
IHOP, 1200 W 4th St, Adel, GA 31620

WWALS logo

All WWALS Board Members are expected to attend in person or by telephone.
The more done on the board list, the less time we’ll have to spend on them in this meeting.

All WWALS members, especially committee members, are invited to attend, as is the general public.

Board Members:

Continue reading

Condolences to the survivors of the recent storms

As our community begins the long path of recovery, WWALS Watershed Coalition extends deepest sympathy and condolences to those who have lost family, friends, possessions, and a sense of security in the recent storms and tornadoes.

The first two tornado fatalities were in Brooks County west of Barney, with seven more in Cook County and two in Berrien County, plus four in Dougherty County. Only rubble left at Rock Hill Road 31.0092858, -83.5478993 Lowndes County got off light this time, with nobody injured, although there is extensive property damage in all these counties and others.

Cook County Probate Court (Judge Chase Daughtrey) has set up a fund to which you can donate directly. That Court has also supplied contacts for other methods of donation: a bank account, and dropoff locations for school supplies. That page announces a memorial service tonight: Continue reading

Cook County Landing (GA 76) to Folsom Bridge (GA 122), Little River 20162017-01-14

Not a great boat ramp but public access it is. In January the water should be up like a year ago at this three-hour tour of the idyllic Little River between Brooks County and Cook and Lowndes Counties, Georgia. There should be no need to drag boats, like there was in July.

When: 10 AM Saturday January 14th 2017

Put In: Cook County Landing (GA 76) between Adel, Cook County and Barney, Brooks County, Georgia

GPS Coordinates: Continue reading

WWALS at Reed Bingham Fall Festival 2016-10-29

The wizard is in

Update 2016-10-30: Pictures and scouts.

WWALS will have a bean bag game at Reed Bingham State Park this Saturday. You may not be too old to win some candy! Come join us on the banks of the Little River, between Adel and Moultrie, Georgia.

When: 1-5PM Saturday October 29th 2016

Where: Reed Bingham State Park, 542 Reed Bingham Rd, Adel, GA 31620

Handshake Facebook: event

Moultrie Observer, 26 October 2016, Reed Bingham to host Fall Festival, Halloween events,

All participants should give out individually wrapped candies or promotional items appropriate to families. Friends of Reed Bingham will give a prize for the best decorated “Trunk”

For more information or Continue reading

WWALS Quarterly Board Meeting, IHOP, Adel, GA 2016-10-12

Includes planning for Valdosta wastewater and flood prevention meeting, and final review of application to Waterkeeper Alliance for Suwannee Riverkeeper.

Draft Agenda
WWALS Quarterly Board Meeting
7:30 PM Wednesday 12 October 2016
IHOP, 1200 W 4th St, Adel, GA 31620

All WWALS Board Members are expected to attend in person or by telephone. Continue reading

Little River Scouting 2016-07-10

My phone’s pedometer said I walked four miles of the six miles of this section of the Little River, with many fish, two white birds, lots of sand bars, some eroded bluffs, not a lot of trash after we got beyond the GA 76 bridge, and only one spot of invasive species (Japanese climbing fern).

Walk along home

This section would be better with about half a foot more water. The USGS GA 122 Little River gage showed about 3.71 feet for July 10th 2016, so let’s say at least 4.2 feet would be good. This is because there are many sand bars, including one directly upstream from the GA 122 bridge, where the water level is much closer to zero when that gage says 3.71.

Following up a report, Continue reading

Today: WWALS annual and board meetings, IHOP, Adel, GA 2016-07-13

This evening in Adel, come to the IHOP for the annual report and election of (some) board members at the WWALS membership meeting, and the annual election of officers and other business at the quarterly board meeting. 300x376 WWALS Rivers (small), in WWALS Rivers, by John S. Quarterman, for WWALS.net, 25 July 2015

When: 7PM WWALS Annual Meeting
7:30 PM WWALS Quarterly Board Meeting

Where: 1200 W 4Th St, Adel, GA 31620-2911
Here’s the IHOP’s own web page.

Agendas: See previous post

What: From the July 2016 Tannin Times, the WWALS membership newsletter: Continue reading

Cave Diving Workshop, Lake City, 2016-05-21

If you can’t get to the BIG Little River Paddle Race Saturday at Reed Bingham State Park Saturday morning between Adel and Moultrie, GA, there’s a cave diving workshop in Lake City, FL. And yes, the Paddle Race is still on unless there’s actually lightning, hail, or torrential rain tomorrow morning, and so far that seems unlikely. But you can still paddle at Reed Bingham and go to the social in Lake City tonight, the afternoon part of the Workshop tomorrow, and the rebreather demonstration or spring tours Sunday.

What’s NCS-CDS? National Speleological Society, Cave Diving Section.

Social: 7PM Friday May 20th 2016 at 313 NW Commons Loop, Lake City, FL

Workshop: Continue reading

WWALS at Little River Fest, Reed Bingham State Park, 2016-03-26

Update 2016-10-27: A Picture from the event.

Family fun with boats, birds, and fishing at the Little River Fest at Reed Bingham March 28th, where WWALS will talk about the BIG Little River Paddle Race in May (also at Reed Bingham), the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail (with three access points at Reed Bingham), and the many other upcoming WWALS outings and events, as well as watershed issues.

When: 10 AM to 4PM Saturday 26 March 2016

Turtle Where: Reed Bingham State Park
542 Reed Bingham Road
Adel, GA 31620
Off of GA 37 between Adel and Moultrie
I-75 exit 39 (Adel)

Volunteer: WWALS members can help at the table!

What: According to Reed Bingham’s announcement:

The festival will include live bird of prey shows, Easter Egg hunt, bounce houses, pontoon boat tours, fishing, fire trucks, animal adoption event, an imagination station for kids, food vendors, arts and crafts, and music.

The first Little River Fest was in 2014, according to Continue reading