Tag Archives: Lowndes County Commission

FERC, EPA rubberstamp Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline: opposition continues –VDT

The FERC FEIS isn’t a permit, the Army Corps hasn’t issued a permit, GA-EPD is still considering an air quality permit for the Albany, GA air compressor, and it’s still possible to stop the GA-DNR easements for drilling under Georgia rivers including the Withlacoochee and Okapilco Creek. This is all regardless of whether FDEP issues its drilling permit for the Suwannee and Santa Fe Rivers. You can still help stop this invasion by the “Sinkhole Trail” of our local lands, water, and air.

Among the press recently by Politico, Law360, Natural Gas Intelligence, the Suwannee Democrat, the Ocala StarBanner, the Palm Beach Post, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Valdosta Today, and others, is this long local piece. Joe Adgie, Valdosta Daily Times, 20 December 2015, EPA reverses stand on impact pipeline would have on aquifer,

In addition, according to FERC, Sabal completed analysis of the subsurfaces where the pipeline is proposed.

That’s what FERC’s announcement of its Final Environmental Impact Statment (FEIS) said, but where is the LiDAR, as Continue reading

Alapaha River Boat Ramp land purchase approved by Lowndes County Commission 2015-12-08

As Commissioner Marshall said, “it’s been a long time coming”, but Tuesday the Lowndes County Commission approved $24,000 to buy 4.35 acres from Acree Investments for a boat ramp on the Alapaha River just north of US 84. Details are on the LAKE blog.

New boat ramp will be east of Naylor on US 84 Come celebrate with us 10AM tomorrow Saturday 12 December 2015 at Grand Bay, which is also on the Alapaha River Water Trail.

Commissioners told Gretchen as she was thanking each of them afterwards that they used the WWALS Alapaha River Water Trail map to determine there was no other boat ramp on the Alapaha River in Lowndes County, the closest being east of Lakeland and west of Statenville.

Of course there are other boat ramps in Lowndes County, but they are on the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail.

Thanks to Dr. Acree for agreeing to sell for a reasonable price, and to the Lowndes County Commissioners for agreeing to buy this land for the Alapaha River boat ramp and park in February 2013.


Naylor Boat Ramp on schedule by Lowndes County

Lowndes County Chairman Bill Slaughter says the Naylor Boat Ramp is on schedule for completion this fall, provided the Georgia Department of Natural Resources returns the appropriate permits.

At last night’s Lowndes County Commission Regular Sesssion, WWALS president John S. Quarterman displayed the Alapaha River Water Trail brochures, pointing out the Naylor Boat Ramp on the map. He, ok, I, asked what was the status of that project that Lowndes County is building with SPLOST funds.

Nobody answered in the public meeting, but afterwards Continue reading

Vallotton Farms upstream from Withlacoochee Sinks

Update 2017-09-13: The Lowndes County Commissioners surprisingly agreed to rezone “backwards” to Estate A gricultural (E-A) at their Regular Session of 14 April 2015.

300x172 Withlacoochee Sinks downstream from Cherry Creek and Vallotton Farms, in Vallotton Farms, by John S. Quarterman, for WWALS.net, 30 March 2015 A historic dairy farm wants to go back to the most agricultural zoning, upstream on Cherry Creek from the Cherry Creek Sink that leaks into the Floridan Aquifer. Vallotton Farms (both the part outlined in red that appears to be the subject of the rezoning and the bigger part west of Bemiss Road) includes quite a bit of Cherry Creek itself. Agriculture is probably better than other likely uses in such a location. Continue reading

Video: River etiquette and invitation to the Alapaha River Water Trail Conference and outing

WWALS Treasurer Gretchen Quarterman invited everyone to discuss river etiquette and private property and to see the prizes awarded to the high school logo contest winners at the Alapaha River Water Trail Conference tomorrow, and to go on the river outing afterwards.

She spoke in Citizens Wishing to Be Heard at the Regular Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC), Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 10 March 2015.

Here’s the video:

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Naylor Park and Boat Ramp aerial plan map

300x186 Naylor Boat Ramp aerial, in Maps from board packet, by John S. Quarterman, 10 February 2015 Thanks to the Lowndes County Commission and staff, here’s a look at what they’re planning for the new boat ramp and park on the Alapaha River just north of US 84. Below are videos of discussion about these plans in several recent Commission meetings. This boat ramp and park is already on the map for the Alapaha River Water Trail, and I have thanked the Commission for moving along to get it established; see below. Continue reading

Alapaha River Water Trail letter to Lowndes County Commission

Delivered on paper to Commissioner Joyce E. Evans a week ago, and sent by email to all the Lowndes County Commissioners today, with attached PDF. -jsq

WWALS Watershed Coalition
3338 Country Club Road #L336
Valdosta, GA 31605
11 September 2014

Re: Alapaha Water Trail

Dear Lowndes County Commissioners,

WWALS Watershed Coalition is implementing a small grant from Georgia River Network (GRN) to establish an Alapaha River Water Trail. Map, in Alapaha River Water Trail, by John S. Quarterman, for WWALS.net, 23 September 2014 In addition, a grant application opportunity has come up that could result in funding to Lowndes County for related facilities, and perhaps to extend that Water Trail into a system of Blueways also including the Withlacoochee and Little Rivers. In addition to improving local quality of life, either or both could contribute to the economy of Lowndes County by bringing in boaters on the rivers who would buy locally, and providing features attractive to knowledge-based businesses and their employees. All at little or no cost to the county plus grant funding.

The GRN grant involves Continue reading

WWALS asks that Old State Road be kept open to the Alapaha River in Lowndes County

Letter from WWALS to Lowndes County Commission, signed Friday, mailed Saturday; the hearing is 5:30 PM today 12 February 2013, 327 North Ashley Street 2nd floor, Valdosta, GA.

Signed letter from WWALS to Lowndes County Commission

Lowndes County Board of Commissioners
327 North Ashley Street
Valdosta, GA 31601

WWALS Watershed Coalition

Dear Lowndes County Commissioners,
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